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What are the chemicals involved in calcium carbide production?

Source:Ningxia Wanding Chemical Co., Ltd.

Calcium carbide production required raw materials are lime and carbon materials, carbon materials include coke, blue carbon, petroleum coke, anthracite, etc., the auxiliary materials are mainly electrode paste. And in the process of production, there are many factors of safety problems may exist, these produce safety data including lime, calcium carbide, acetylene, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen and other chemicals, physical data, detonation characteristics information data, toxic, corrosive, occupational exposure limit, first aid and fire fighting measures and other information.

Dangerous chemicals involved in calcium carbide production process

Calcium carbide production process involves raw materials including: calcium oxide (lime), blue charcoal, coke. Auxiliary materials are: electrode paste, steel bar, thin steel plate.

The primary organisms of calcium carbide production include calcium carbide furnace gas (mainly CO and a small amount of H2 and O2), and the decomposition of calcium carbide when it encounters water in the accident state to produce C2H2 and Ca(OH)2.

Therefore, the dangerous chemicals involved in the production process include calcium oxide (lime), calcium carbide, acetylene, carbon monoxide and so on.


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